Autism Treatment Options: In person, by phone or by Skype

Do I have to come to your office for an NMT treatment?

While treatments in the autism study were administered in person, NMT has been successfully used when the recipient is not physically present through the use of a surrogate, as described below. This allows children or adults to receive the benefits of NMT for any condition when they do not live nearby or they are not able to come to my office for treatment.

Because the nature of NMT treatment is consciousness or intention-based, the distance between the practitioner and recipient does not matter.

Please e-mail me via the Contact menu link if you would like more information about how this works, or if you are interested in scheduling a phone or Skype NMT session.

How does NMT work? What is the process?

The process of an NMT session is really very simple. I work with an NMT treatment manual which has a number of different clinical pathways that can be used during a session. For example, there is a pathway to clear allergies, a pathway to have the body remove toxins, a pathway to help the nervous system balance itself, and so on.

The decision of which pathway to use is determined by a process of applied kinesiology, or muscle testing. If you are not familiar with this process, it is a way to communicate with the body in a non-verbal way to receive “yes” or “no” responses to questions it is asked. You can google “how to do muscle testing” and find out more about how it works.

For example, if I ask the question, “Do we need to start the session with the Allergy pathway?”, I will use muscle testing to get a “yes” or “no” response. If I get a “yes,” we will start with that pathway.

Muscle testing can be done on the patient, or a surrogate can be used. In my practice, I always use myself as a surrogate instead of doing the muscle testing on the patient. In the NMT autism study, a surrogate (either the parent or practitioner) was always used.

Once the pathway is selected, I follow the statements on the pathway which consist of a series of questions to determine the issues involved (like what things a person is reporting being allergic to), and then a series of correction statements which instruct the patient how to remedy the situation.

An analogy would be remote tech support. A computer technician connects with the operating system of someone’s computer, gives instructions for the computer to scan itself and report back what is wrong, and then instructs the computer how to repair the problem.

With NMT, the practitioner uses muscle testing to connect with the operating system of a person (that aspect which directs how a body maintains itself), asks questions through muscle testing and gets yes or no answers, and then instructs that person’s system how to correct the issue.

The NMT correction statements can be read out loud, or the whole process can be done silently. It is the intent of the practitioner which communicates the correction statements.

As demonstrated in the study, children reduced symptoms of autism and developed new social and adaptive behaviors through this process.

This type of healing has been referred to as “informational medicine” since the process is done through transfer of information (verbally or non-verbally) rather than through a transfer of energy (“energy healing”), medication, or behavior therapy.

NMT does not diagnose illnesses or treat a diagnosis. NMT helps a person organize how information is processed within the body. For example, in the study, we did not treat a child’s autism. We treated what the child reported as needing correction or balancing, and in the process of doing this, the child’s behavior improved.